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De novo Sequencing

De novo sequencing generates an initial genomic sequence of a particular organism without a reference genome. Services can be applied to research of animals, plants, and microorganisms, including phylogenetic studies, analysis of species diversity, genetic markers, and other genomic research.


Sequencing Platform


    NovaSeq 6000

    System specifications:

    80Gb - 6Tb output range, 1.6 - 40 B paired end reads per run, and PE150, PE250, PE50, etc.

  • PacBio

    PacBio Sequel II/IIe System

    System specifications:

    N50>15kb, read lengths up to 25kb (CCS), >99.999% (QV50) consensus accuracy, coverage across high-GC/repeat regions. HiFi reads for PacBio Sequel IIe only.

  • Nanopore

    Nanopore PromethION

    System specifications:

    Ultra-long reads up to 2Mb, high yields for large genomes, REAL real-time and accessible for flexible budgets.

*All specifications are available on Illumina, PacBio, and Nanopore official websites.