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Novogene Webinar Survey

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    Agriculture researchCancer researchCadiovascular disease researchCell and molecular biology researchClinical oncologyGenetic and complex disease researchMetabolic disease researchMicrobiology/virology researchNeuroscience researchPreconception and fertilityRare and inherited diseaseOthers, please specify

    Registration process was confusingWebinar time in respective time zones was not clearAudio quality was not greatCouldn't use the interaction tools - e.g. chatboxOthers (please specify)

    IntroductionSample PreparationService WorkflowBioinformatics AnalysisCase Study

    IntroductionSample PreparationService WorkflowBioinformatics AnalysisCase Study

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    Too simpleJust rightToo complex

    Very likelyMaybeNot likely (Comments)

    Human whole genome/exome sequencingEukaryotic transcriptome sequencingPlant/Animal whole genome sequencingMicrobial sequencingEpigeneticsPacBio/Nanopore sequencingOthers (please specify)

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