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In order to better serve you, we would appreciate your feedback about your experience with our webinar. Please select the statements that best apply to you and feel free to leave any comments. Thank you.
1. What is your interested area of research?Agriculture researchCancer researchCadiovascular disease researchCell and molecular biology researchClinical oncologyGenetic and complex disease researchMetabolic disease researchMicrobiology/virology researchNeuroscience researchPreconception and fertilityRare and inherited diseaseOthers, please specify
2. Did you have any technical difficulties when trying to participate in the webinar that we could have helped with better guidance or instruction?Registration process was confusingWebinar time in respective time zones was not clearAudio quality was not greatCouldn't use the interaction tools - e.g. chatboxOthers (please specify)
3. Which part of the webinar do you think is helpful to your research?IntroductionSample PreparationService WorkflowBioinformatics AnalysisCase Study
4. Which part of the topics above would you like us to share more detailedly in future webinars? IntroductionSample PreparationService WorkflowBioinformatics AnalysisCase Study
5. How clear was the information we presented?Very clearModerately clearNot very clear
6. Was the complexity of the topic presented too simple, too complex, or at the right level?Too simpleJust rightToo complex
7. Having attended our webinar, how likely are you to recommend Novogene to your colleagues or friends in the future?Very likelyMaybeNot likely (Comments)
8. What topics would you like us to cover in future webinars?Human whole genome/exome sequencingEukaryotic transcriptome sequencingPlant/Animal whole genome sequencingMicrobial sequencingEpigeneticsPacBio/Nanopore sequencingOthers (please specify)
9. Are there any other comments, feedback, or suggestions, regarding your webinar experience with us, that you would like to share?
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