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Technology: Platform

Lab Platform

Novogene has genomic sequencing labs in the US at University of California Davis, UK, Germany, Singapore, China and Japan with a total area of nearly 20,000 m2 , including a 2,000 m2 GMP facility and a 2,000 m2  clinical laboratory. As of 2023, Novogene has established ten lab facilities globally and collaborates with more than 7,300 global experts, sequencing over 2 million samples annually in our labs worldwide.

The Novogene Americas Sequencing Center at UC Davis was established in 2016. It is currently equipped with NovaSeq 6000 and NovaSeq X Plus sequencing platforms, providing NGS services and analysis for research customers in North and South America.

Novogene’s Cambridge Sequencing Center was established in May 2018 and moved to Cambridge Science Park in August 2019. The center is now equipped with automated workstations, multiple NovaSeq 6000s and high-performance computing clusters, and has passed GCLP certification. The NovaSeq X Plus system was added in March 2023.

In partnership with AITbiotech and the Genome institute of Singapore (GIS), NovogeneAIT Genomics has established one of the largest NGS laboratories in the Asia Pacific region. Since 2017, our state-of-the-art laboratory, located in Biopolis, Singapore, is equipped with 6 units of illumina NovaSeq 6000, 1 unit of the PacBio Sequel IIe, 10x Genomics Chromium Controller, and the Olink next-generation proteomics platform. These resources allow us to provide trusted, reliable, and cost-effective services to customers in the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa (AMEA) region.

In China, we use the most efficient technologies from the world’s leading suppliers, including the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 and NovaSeqX Plus, Oxford Nanopore, and the PacBio Revio and Sequel IIe systems. Currently, Tianjin Medical Laboratory has obtained CAP certification, and this world-class facility enables us to provide high-quality clinical sequencing services globally.

Sequencing Platform





NovaSeq X Plus


  • With the latest Illumina sequencing system NovaSeq X Plus, we offer maximum throughput and accuracy with extraordinary sequencing power for data-intensive applications.
  • 10B (PE150) FC Available: ~1.25B Paired Reads per Lane
  • 25B (PE150) FC Available: ~3.2B Paired Reads per Lane



NovaSeq 6000


  • With the NovaSeq, we are able to sequence up to 64 human genomes with 90Gb and produce 6Tb of data per single run as short as 40 hours.
  • 850G raw data per lane, 3.4T raw data per Flowcell, and 2 x 150 bp read length.
  • 800M raw reads per Flowcell and 2 x 250bp & 2 x 50 bp reads length.





  • The Revio system adds affordability, high throughput, and ease of use to a foundation of long reads, exceptional accuracy, and direct methylation detection.
  • The Revio system with a 15x increase in throughput over the Sequel II system. The Revio system can provide exceptional accuracy with 90% of bases ≥Q30 and median read accuracy ≥Q30. With a high-density, 25 million ZMW SMRT Cell, up to 4 SMRT Cells in parallel and 24-hour run times, the Revio system delivers 360 Gb of HiFi reads per day.



  • The PacBio Sequel IIe platforms can generate longer reads with the high performance ofconsensus accuracy and coverage.
  • With direct access to HiFi reads, the PacBio Sequel IIe platform requires less time on dataprocessing and analysis, and even reduces ~90% in data storage.
  • By introducing 10 PacBio Sequel IIe platforms, Novogene further enhances the long-read sequencingcapacity in the world.





  • The Chromium Controller platform, powered by Next GEM technology, enables integrated analysis ofsingle cells at a massive scale.
  • The key to this technology is the ability to use advanced microfluidics to generate tens of thousands of single-cell partitions, each containing an identifying barcode for downstream analysis in a matter of minutes.





  • Oxford Nanopore Technologies offers real-time, long-read, direct, and large-scale sequencing of DNA or RNA.
  • The PromethION system sequences DNA or RNA by Nanopore reader proteins embedded in an electrically resistant membrane.
  • Ultra-long reads span repeat regions in complicated genomes easily and enhance the accuracy of genome assembly and large structural variation detection enormously.

Computing Platform

Our supercomputing capability allows us to analyze hundreds of thousands of whole human genomes per month. This capability aligns with our unsurpassed NGS capacity, enabling us to run many projects of different sizes and still deliver the data to our customers in a timely fashion. Our state-of-the-art platform is comprised of DELL computing nodes with total memory of 90 TB, computing power of up to 1.5 M tflops, and Isilon storage capacity of 25 PB. Our storage capacity can expand as our needs grow, ensuring our customers’ data is backed up and available as needed.